The following colors can be customized (overwritten) to fit your app.
Main colors
Value | Uses |
mediquo_primary_color | Toolbars background Medical history icons color |
mediquo_primary_contrast_color | Toolbars text and back icon |
mediquo_secondary_color | Speciality label on ProfessionalListFragment Background professional description on Professional profile |
mediquo_accent_color | Unread messages badge Lock icon on Professional list |
mediquo_notification_color | Accent color to use on push notifications |
Value | Uses |
mediquo_message_text_color_mine | Text color of your own message |
mediquo_message_background_color_mine | Background color of your own message |
mediquo_message_text_color_their | Text color of a foreign message |
mediquo_message_background_color_their | Background color of a foreign message |
mediquo_message_text_color_alert | Text color of a alert message |
mediquo_message_background_color_alert | Background color of a alert message |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- App colors -->
<color name="colorPrimary">#6200EE</color>
<color name="colorPrimaryDark">#3700B3</color>
<color name="colorAccent">#03DAC5</color>
<!-- Main colors -->
<color name="mediquo_primary_color">@color/colorPrimary</color>
<color name="mediquo_secondary_color">#9952FD</color>
<color name="mediquo_accent_color">@color/colorAccent</color>
<color name="mediquo_primary_contrast_color">@android:color/white</color>
<color name="mediquo_notification_color">@color/colorPrimary</color>
<!-- Chat: My messages -->
<color name="mediquo_message_text_color_mine">#4d4e52</color>
<color name="mediquo_message_background_color_mine">@null</color>
<!-- Chat: Others messages -->
<color name="mediquo_message_text_color_their">#ffffff</color>
<color name="mediquo_message_background_color_their">@null</color>
<!-- Chat: Alert messages -->
<color name="mediquo_message_text_color_alert">#4d4e52</color>
<color name="mediquo_message_background_color_alert">@null</color>
Font customization (overwritten).
1 Create font directory:
- Right-click on the res folder and go to New > Android resource directory. — The New Resource Directory window appears.
- In the Resource type list, select font, and then click OK. Note: The name of the resource directory must be font.
2 Add fonts:
- Add three files named mediquo_bold, mediquo_medium and mediquo_regular to font directory, these files should are otf or ttf type.